Fertility Specialist & Gynaecologist in Perth

Perth's Leading IVF Doctor & Fertility Specialist

Dr Tamara Hunter fertility Specialist & gynaecologist Perth - FranzcogDr Tamara Hunter fertility Specialist & gynaecologist Perth - CREIDr Tamara Hunter fertility Specialist & gynaecologist Perth - University of SydneyDr Tamara Hunter fertility Specialist & gynaecologist Perth - University of Western Australia

I am a Fertility Specialist and a Gynaecologist.

When you have been told you have fertility problems, male or female,
or if you consider IVF treatment in Perth, you have come to the right place.

Or, as a woman or young girl, you might have women's health issues such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts or menstrual disorders.

fertility specialist

Problems I can help you with

fertility specialist


Endometriosis is a common gynaecological problem affecting women of reproductive age. It occurs when the tissues of the uterus start growing on surfaces of other organs in the pelvis.

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Infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse. Infertility can affect men and women of all ages.

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Paediatric Gynaecology

The gynaecological problems that children experience are different from the issues encountered by adults. I am trained to diagnose and treat birth defects of the reproductive tract, or genital trauma in children.

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IVF is a process where eggs are removed from your ovaries and mixed with sperm in a laboratory culture dish (in vitro).

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Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous (benign) tumors, commonly seen in women of childbearing age. Fibroids are composed of muscle cells and other tissues.

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Ovarian Cysts

An ovarian cyst is a fluid filled sac or pouch which forms on the ovary. Ovarian cysts, in most cases are harmless and resolve on their own. Ovarian cysts may cause variable abdominal or pelvic pain or pain during intercourse.

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PCOS is a common cause of infertility
among women
characterised by
an ovulation dysfunction.

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Menstrual Disorders

Any abnormalities such as delayed or early menstrual periods, excessive pain & bleeding during the periods indicate that you might be suffering from certain gynaecological conditions.

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5 reasons you're not getting pregnant

Having seen thousands of men and women who tried to fall pregnant, I often come across the same reasons for apparent infertility.

Get my free eBook to see what you can do about it.

fertility specialist

Looking for a fertility specialist in Perth?

If you're looking for a Certified Specialist in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
in Perth (CREI), you have come to the right place. My role is to help you identifying the problem, and choosing the right treatment with you and your family.

About Dr Hunter

Dr Hunter

fertility specialist

Request an appointment

My Practice

gynaecologist perth
Dr Tamara Hunter consults at The Woom

43 Richardson St

Call: 08 9388 7780