Fertility Problems

Not Falling Pregnant
Infertility is the inability
to conceive after a year
of unprotected

Recurrent Miscarriage
Approximately 1 in 5
pregnancies are lost before viability and this is termed a miscarriage.

Early Pregnancy Problems
A pregnancy can be a
smooth journey or
you can be confronted with complications.

Embryo Preservation
Embryo preservation is about storing eggs, that have been harvested from your ovaries, and fertilised in vitro.
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Sperm Preservation
The purpose of sperm preservation or sperm banking is to help ensure the possibility of conception in the future.
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Egg Preservation
Perhaps you’re not ready to become pregnant now, but you still want to keep a window to get pregnant later in your life.
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Fertility Preservation before cancer treatment
A single cancer therapy session can damage your fertility, so it’s important to talk with your fertility specialist.
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