Endometrial Polyp
An Endometrial Polyp is a growth in your uterus. It attaches to the inner wall and can extend into your uterine cavity, ranging from a couple of millimetres to a few centimetres. They are usually benign, and can occur in women of all ages.
Polyps often present with intermenstrual bleeding (bleeding between the periods) or even bleeding after intercourse. Sometimes they can be found incidentally on an ultrasound being done for a different reason. In older women they can present as post-menopausal bleeding.
An abnormal bleeding in a menstrual cycle should be investigated as you could have a polyp that needs to be removed.

Comprehensive fertility treatment is planned and coordinated with Monash IVF West Leederville, one of WA’s leading fertility centres.
Call us to make an appointment: 1800 628 533
Although mostly benign, polyps can cause problems with infertility and a small percentage of them can be cancerous - so they should be taken seriously.
As a female Perth gynaecologist, I offer my specialised experience and expertise when I work with you as a patient. But I believe my role as a human being is to offer you a safe, maternal and nurturing environment. I believe being a gynaecologist is about understanding you as a woman. I consider myself a holistic specialist gynaecologist, looking at all aspects of your life. And, bringing not only my specialist medical expertise to the conversation, but also my own life experience as a woman.
Menstrual Disorders
Find out more about possible causes and consequences if you suffer from menstrual disorders.
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Dr Hunter

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My Practice

Dr Tamara Hunters consults at The Woom
43 Richardson St
Call: 08 9388 7780